Ep 7 Show Notes

ER 1. 12 "Happy New Year"

ER 1. 13 "Luck of the Draw"

The chaplains discuss claiming their pastoral authority and other learning opportunities in CPE. If their conversation doesn't scare you off, you can find out more about Clinical Pastoral Education through ACPE here.

Stacy mentions a sketch by Amy Schumer where a group of women make progressively absurd apologies. I couldn't find the video clip online, but this article does a good job explaining the skit and why it hit home for so many women.

As Dr. Benton's family faces continuing challenges in caring for his mother who has dementia, and Dr. Ross treats a young boy with a brain injury whose father is overwhelmed by his needs, the chaplains talk about the importance of community resources and support groups. You can find information on Respite Care here (especially for senior citizens) and support for families dealing with Traumatic Brain Injury here

In this episode and others, the chaplains mention Family Systems Theory. You can learn more at the link.